Online – HVAC Systems Testing for Energy Efficiency – Day 2

DAY 2 OF 2 In this class, students will learn about the processes and procedures involved in verifying equipment performance as related to incentive application and awards. Specifically, the course offers a review of HVAC systems and equipment, the process of evaluating and testing HVAC equipment, how to identify energy conservation measures by using baseline […]

Bellingham – Blower Door and Pressure Diagnostics

Building Performance Center 3406 Redwood Ave., Bellingham, WA

The Blower Door and Pressure Diagnostics course is a 1-day (6 hour) training designed to provide new and current Building Analysts with the information needed to complete building envelope diagnostics in accordance with the Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Analyst Technical Standards and the Washington State Department of Commerce Weatherization Specifications. Instruction will include introduction […]

Missoula – IGSHPA Accredited Installer Course

Missoula, MT

Get your Accredited Installer certification - presented by WaterFurnace Trainers! Accredited Installer (AI) Learning to install Ground-Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems will keep you competitive in a market forced to deal with rising energy costs and resource depletion. Installer accreditation enables you to open new markets and offers customers a low-maintenance, economical, and environmentally friendly […]


Vancouver WA – PTCS Duct Sealing Training

Clark PUD Ed Center 8600 NE 117th Ave., Vancouver, WA

This training will prepare students to complete PTCS Duct Sealing projects. This is a two-day, in-person class at the Clark PUD Ed Center. Contact: Kyle Chase Phone: (360) 970-3602

Bellingham – Weatherization Technician

Building Performance Center 3406 Redwood Ave., Bellingham, WA

The two-day class is designed to provide Weatherization Technicians the information and practice to complete high quality energy retrofit work. Each attendee will participate in classroom work and laboratory work that will align with the Washington State Department of Commerce Policies and Procedures Manual and the Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Single Family and […]


Webinar – Increasing Black Business Participation in Clean Energy: An Economic Imperative and Opportunity

Join this two-part webinar series to hear from CDFI leaders of color, green financing experts, and government leaders about the variety of financial sources and opportunities, and how your organization can access them and share them with your clients and communities. The African American Alliance of CDFI CEOs, Emerald Cities Collaborative, and Prosperity Now have […]

Webinar – 2023 Seattle City Light Program Updates for Trade Allies

The new year brings updated incentive rates, new measures to take advantage of, and ways to participate in our energy efficiency programs. Join City Light to learn about how you can make the most of the available incentives and take this opportunity to provide direct feedback on how offerings could improve. City Light staff will […]

Webinar – Simple Steps to Improve Ductwork Installations

Earth Advantage & BetterBuiltNW welcome HVAC contractors, builders, architects and other interested building professionals for this 1-hour live webinar training to learn about common ductwork installation performance issues that can be easily avoided. Clients expect high-performance homes that meet their comfort, health, and energy-efficiency expectations, and well-designed and installed modern HVAC systems are vital to success. A well-performing […]

Webinar – Increasing Black Business Participation in Clean Energy: An Economic Imperative and Opportunity

Join part-two of this webinar series to hear from CDFI leaders of color, green financing experts, and government leaders about the variety of financial sources and opportunities, and how your organization can access them and share them with your clients and communities. The African American Alliance of CDFI CEOs, Emerald Cities Collaborative, and Prosperity Now […]

Idaho Falls – Trade Ally Network NW NLC and HVAC UES Training

Hilton Garden Inn 700 Lindsay Blvd., Idaho Falls, ID

How can you make yourself valuable to your customers? Join Trade Ally Network NW's lighting and HVAC experts to hear about the latest technologies and utility program incentives. The more you learn, the more competitive you'll be in selling more projects and growing your business. WORKSHOP HIGHLIGHTS This training will cover available Lighting and HVAC […]

Webinar – Trade Ally Network NW NLC and HVAC UES Training

How can you make yourself valuable to your customers? Join Trade Ally Network NW's lighting and HVAC experts to hear about the latest technologies and utility program incentives. The more you learn, the more competitive you'll be in selling more projects and growing your business. WORKSHOP HIGHLIGHTS This training will cover available Lighting and HVAC […]

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